
More accurate compared to all other peak flow meters.


VanZeller, C., Williams, A. & Pollock, I. (2019) . Comparison of Bench Test Results Measuring the Accuracy of Peak Flow Meters.


Increase in days with no symptoms.


Barrett, M., Combs, V., Su, J. G., Henderson, K., Tuffli, M., & AIR Louisville Collaborative. (2018). AIR Louisville: Addressing Asthma With Technology, Crowdsourcing, Cross-Sector Collaboration, And Policy. Health Affairs, 37(4), 525-534.


Accurate in predicting what your peak flow will be tomorrow.

Sakkatos, P, Pavlovskaia, N, Antalffy, T. (2020). European Respiratory Journal 2020; 56: Suppl. 64, 155.


Ananth, S., Alpi, S., Antalffy, T.(2022). Digital peak flow monitoring can predict next-day peak flow measurements


Less visits to the emergency room.


Merchant, R., Tuffli, M., Barrett, M., Hogg, C., Van Sickle, D., & Stempel, D. (2017). Impact of A Digital Health Intervention On Asthma Healthcare Utilization.


More reliable than recording your chart on paper.


Cote, M., Cartier, A., Malo, J., Rouleau, M., Boulet, L. (1998). Compliance With Peak Expiratory Flow Monitoring in Home Management of Asthma. Chest 1998; 113:968-72


Less wheezing.


Arnold, R., Stingone, J., Claudio, L. (2012). Computer-assisted School-based Asthma Management: A Pilot Study


Better at self-medicating.


Jeminiwa, R., Hohmann, L., Qian, J., Garza, K., Hansen, R. & Fox, B. (2019) Impact of eHealth on Medication Adherence Among Patients With Asthma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.


Increase in PEF monitoring adherence by patients.


Antalffy, T., De Simoni, A., & Griffiths, Chris J, (2020) Promising Peak Flow Diary Compliance with an Electronic Peak Flow Meter and linked Smartphone App.


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